Cervicitis patients should actively cooperate with the treatment, try to control the development of the disease, otherwise it will induce a variety of complications, leading to tubal adhesion, ectopic pregnancy or infertility. Now we specifically understand what problems cervicitis patients should pay attention to?
1. Avoid excessive cleaning: patients should avoid excessive cleaning of private areas, otherwise it will easily lead to vaginal flora imbalance, and even cause fungal infection.
2. Clean underwear separately: The patients with cervicitis should change their underwear every day. Otherwise, it will easily lead to fungal infection and aggravate the patient’s condition.
3. If grade 1 to grade 2 is mild, the vagina has its own immune system by improving diet and daily care. In this case, patients need not be too anxious. If the beneficial bacteria defeat the harmful bacteria, the patients will recover within a few days.
4. For married women with recurrent inflammation and symptoms lasting for several years, if they have pain or burning sensation in sexual life, they can go to the hospital for urine, blood or B-mode ultrasound examination to confirm chronic gynecological inflammation. They can choose TCM formula such as Fuyan Pills or lotion.
Women preparing for pregnancy can start taking herbal medicine one to three months ahead of time. Natural plant formula Fuyan pills not stimulate the stomach. The permeability of the drug is better.