With the development of economy, while pursuing material life, the health of modern people is declining. If we do not pay attention to rest and unscientific diet, it will cause male diseases, such as epididymitis.
what will be the signs of epididymitis? And is scrotal itching a symptom of epididymitis?
1. Bloating pain. Men suffer from swelling and pain inside the testicles, which can be aggravated when touched, accompanied by a burning feeling, a lot of people will think that it is caused by fire, all to easy to be ignored, that the rest is a useful one.
2. Fever. Patients may have high fever and nausea and vomiting symptoms, no local pain aggravation, pain symptoms often occur. However, every person’s endurance is unique, the anguish is unique, and the seriousness of the illness cannot be distinguished by pain.
3. itching. Patients often have redness within the scrotum. Many men feel itchy obviously, due to the fact with the hyperemia from the prostate, causing itching.
4. Swelling. Many mild patients may have swelling, local pain isn’t serious. However, the ureter becomes thicker and hardened when touched.
It will probably be worth noting that scrotal swelling, enlargement, and scrotal itching are often one in the signs of epididymitis, urethral infection could cause epididymitis.
Once the urethral bacteria are killed, epididymitis symptoms may also be alleviated, therefore the TCM remedy Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill features a good herbal drug penetration, it has effects of Diuresis and drenching, promoting the circulation of blood and removing blood stasis, will cure epididymitis in 1 to 3 months, and won’t produce drug resistance.